Friday, January 05, 2007

Home Construction Week 30
December 25-Dec. 31, 2006

Another slow week with lots of time off for holidays here in Mexico. Completion of white paint primer on the exterior walls! Next week we will look at some color samples for the final coat. The front walkway and drive way are being worked on. The cement of the walk and driveway will eventually be covered with the red rock used in the gazebo.
This photo below is taken from the living room looking out toward the front of the house and the entryway. Some of the tile has been laid. Sandra and I are happy with the tile we chose for the floors. It is a nice earthy color and will be easy to clean, we think.
The photo below is taken from the living room, looking into the kitchen. The tile floor for the kitchen and dining room are complete, we just need the grout. You can see the bathroom tub sitting off in the corner.
The photo below is taken from the dining room, looking out toward the living room terrace. This tile is also complete. The concrete where Sandra is standing will not be tile, but a wooden plank flooring.
The final photo below is taken looking into the master bathroom. To the left will be the sink and counter top, to the left rear is the shower, straight ahead is the tub encloser, and to the right just out of the picture is an indoor garden area. Things are starting to move fast now. This week we selected the kitchen counter tops, the stain for the kitchen cabinets and the glass for the front doors. Architect Arturo thinks the house will be enclosed in two weeks, we hope so too! If things go smoothly, we will move into the unfinished house by February 12 before our next rent payment is due.


At 4:27 AM, Anonymous モバゲー said...


At 3:45 AM, Anonymous 高松宮記念 said...


At 4:07 AM, Anonymous スタービーチ said...


At 2:52 AM, Anonymous 競馬予想 said...

2010 競馬予想 各厩舎・調教師から届けられる最強の馬券情報を限定公開!本物の オッズ 表はコレだ

At 3:48 AM, Anonymous 友達 said...

よく「彼氏いるでしょ~?」って言われるけど、イナイよσ(‾^‾)トモダチ集めてホームパーティーなんかしたりするのがマイブームでして♪♪好きな人ができてもハズかしくて告れない…(>_< )しゅりのココロをゲットしてぇ~☆コドモっぽい性格だから年上でお兄ちゃんみたいな人がタイプだよ(*^m^*)

At 3:21 AM, Anonymous 出会い said...


At 4:17 AM, Anonymous スタービーチ said...


At 3:51 AM, Anonymous オナニー said...



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